DA' SHOW 8/25/06

Wow, another crazy show!
This week, dj's Miked, Hazmatt, Yubby and Tmer, were joined, via Skype, by listeners Brandon and Jer. In studio guests included K-fed and the always offensive, Prof. Kurt Vorsehnheiser. Our featured music was from Obadiah Parker, with his cover of the Outkast hit song, "Hey Yah!". Conversation ran the gambit from racicim, to passwords, the bible and profanity, to broken cars, heck, we even talked about what makes Tmer cry.
We also continued our interview with Hasin Been of Realyrealybad, a former member of Al-qaida. Tmer also brought us a new sponsor: the American Tabacco Company.
Or you could be next...

Our largest sponsor, Vorsehnheiser Labs, has announced their latest breakthrough..
the "Duckidile"!

Meet the crew :) DJ Hazmatt .....DjMiked ..... everyone together ...aaand. DJ TMer ... and yubby was taking the pics which keeps her from having to be IN them XD heehehheheeee


okaaaay so here we go. This is the place for the slightly insane, very weird, but ALWAYS family friendly (mostly) Internet Radio show .."The Friday Meltdown" We will get all the DJs to post, and guest DJs even ... should be fun .. everything you need to know about us, where to find our websites and how in the world to hear this madness in your own computer speakers ..... you'll find it here :)

Gotta run ... the cheese is burning :P

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