More Pics!!

Hazmatt's Bday

Ladies and gentlemen!! In honor of Hazmatt's bday we have posted some of the in stuio partying going on between Rage and Hazmatt.

Fun in the studio!!

Please join us in the studio stuffing our faces with fun!!! Or Food... Call in.

Despite the loss of Greenland, the elves (the Dj's) rocked the cat-box once again Friday night!
Where to begin?
Well, as you can Imagine, we discussed all things Christmas, threw in some strange news, and got a little deep on the subject of right and wrong. As always, we threw in some killer tunes, bad DJ vocals, and more than a few accidentaly crude comments.
The best part however, was the fact that the show was actualy recorded!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for listening!!!
We will be back next friday!!!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. I did it. If you are reading this blog then the deed is already done....................................

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. I did it. If you are reading this blog then the deed is already done.

No!! you idiot!! I didn't kill myself! I, DJ Tmer am responsible for the last weeks show not being posted. You see it was like this....

You see. It was all DJ Hazmat's fault. Anyways, don't be shy about joining us for the new show coming the end of the week. We'll try to make sure no one powers the server down prematurely.

Have a wonderful day!!


Yes thats right this Friday we Celebrated #25 :) This cake was part of the celebration :D
The gang was all back together, although TMer had a speech impedament ... Mike was a tad glitchy and DJHazzie was just insane. A good show was had by all .. and it should be repeating as we speak .... which means it had to have gotten saved o.-

To whom it may concern,
We here at federated Toast Inc. are big fans of the Friday Night Meltdown. We love the show and are interested in becoming your chief sponsors. We here at Federated Toast Inc feel that your show best reflects our projected customer base. Our offer is as follows:

$80k a year per DJ
Free Toast for life
Company Sponsored speaking engagements
Coast-to-coast, licensing agreement on major radio stations in 43 key states.
2 free shirts

All we require is a 2-year contract and a few minor changes to the show.
First, we would ask that you hire a new producer. We find that many listeners would like to be able to hear your shows in their entirety.
Second, we would demand the removal of DJ's MikeD and Yubby. Studies have shown that listeners find them boring and in effective as entertainers. Perhaps we could replace them with a couple midgets or a dancing bear, just something to consider.
Please consider this offer carefully; we here at Federated Toast Inc would love to be a vital part of the Friday Night Meltdown.
Yours Truly
Justin Tyme CEO of Federated Toast Inc.

Freedom! 11-04

A show without DjMike, well this can mean only one thing, Time to play Iron Maiden,"The Monkeys Paw" D.C.Talk, and Petra!
Yup, Tmer and Hazmatt put on their jammies' painted eachothers toenails, and got in-touch with their hard-rockin' 80's selves.
Haseen Been started the show by showing his support for sen. John Kerry, in dramatic fashion.
Dr. Vorsehnheiser joined us briefly in studio, as well as Freddy, our oldest fan.
So please, check-out the show and give us some feedback. And remeber to vote, in our on-line poll that is.(what were you thinking about?)

Poor Willhelm...

Alas poor Willhelm. Will the Dr. Vorsehnheiser ever grow a heart?
Well, aside from a critically ill Willhelm, a crying Lance Bass, A Jealous DJ, brutal coffee, and a tardy DJ, Mike produced another killer show! All 3 hours this time!
The DJ's are asking you listeners to give us your vote for a new opening song. Please post your ideas to this blog under the comment section.
Also, in 2007 the secret bunker will be opened for our summer block party! Don't miss it!!!!

Photographic Story

In The Studio

OK OK! We got the idea. We start talking politics, people start dropping off like flies. Ladies and gentlemen, there will be no more Politics! I promise, read my lips: "NO MORE POLITICS". Dj Tmer for Prez. Rock on...while listening to the "Friday Night Meltdown!"
Next week: "The return of Dj Hazmat"

Yuh, thats all we have to say

Be sure to tune in tonight! We still have our New DJ Rage in the studio filling in for our in house Missionary aka DJHazmatt. He is doing good deeds and staying alive in the "Dark Country"
DJYubby Is in studio also, along with a visit from a new character we may be hearing more from ... one Miss "Khaki Baggypants"? I think? well anyway ... just dropping in to say
LISTEN!! Tune us in! Spread the word! :)

Great new show that is hopefully on the air! Vorsenheiser is up to his usual disgusting fare. DJ Hazmat migrated to Africa and Dr. Rage joined us in the studio. He graced us with a little dry humor and some strumming on DJ Hazmat's guitar. This is photo of Dj Tmer and Dr. Rage with

Listen to FNM he he

If you are a fan and have nothing to do, watch this video.


Wow,he so doesnt look like his voice! Or ... does he?? 0.o

Da' Show 9-16

The show was in full swing this week. We had all 4 DJs in studio this week along with a crowd of village gnomes. The show took a decidedly dark turn with the return of Kurt Vorsehnheiser and the new endorsement from Satan, the "Dark Lord" himself. Tmer explained that, from here on out, the show would have no Naked Emperors. Once again we welcomed Jeremey and Brandon to the show, wealso had a surprise visit from President Bush. As always, the disscusion topics ranged from the absurd to the serious, with a lot stuff, somewhere in between. Our musical spotlight ws on the band V.O.L. this week.

New T-Shirts

If you are interested in a nice Meltdown T-shirt let me know. If there is enough interest we will make them more available.

Vorsehnheiser Labs

We here at Vorsehnheiser Labs are proud to sponsor the Friday Night Meltdown.
Get your FORMULA X Today, and EVOLVE with us!

DA' SHOW 9-09-06

Awww... Poor Tmer, Sick as a dog...But that did not stop us!!
No, despite being down two team members (Yubby was out doing something) the show was, once again, a masterpiece!
Operating at a much more mellow and laid-back frequencey , Mike and Hazmatt just let it all hang-out and disscused everything from music, Steve Irwin, the white stripes, and the growing popularity of Tmer. Kurt Vorsehnheiser returned with his ongoing study into evolution. Well, I don't want to give to much away, so please check out our Opus at

We here at the M.R.A heard that DjHazmatt was expecting another child. So we thought we'd send along our best wishes...

DA' SHOW 9-1-06

What did we do this time?
Well, let's see,
We had a very special call from Freddy, A WW1 vet. A very disraught planet called in as well.
We added the M.R.A. ('Merican Rifle Association) to our list of sponsors. DjTmer anounced his run for President in '08, on a pro-furniture platform. And as always, we had great music, technical problems, and lot's of irreverant fun.

DA' SHOW 8/25/06

Wow, another crazy show!
This week, dj's Miked, Hazmatt, Yubby and Tmer, were joined, via Skype, by listeners Brandon and Jer. In studio guests included K-fed and the always offensive, Prof. Kurt Vorsehnheiser. Our featured music was from Obadiah Parker, with his cover of the Outkast hit song, "Hey Yah!". Conversation ran the gambit from racicim, to passwords, the bible and profanity, to broken cars, heck, we even talked about what makes Tmer cry.
We also continued our interview with Hasin Been of Realyrealybad, a former member of Al-qaida. Tmer also brought us a new sponsor: the American Tabacco Company.
Or you could be next...

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