What Madness is This?

Oh, calm down. We'll be back. We just figured since the whole staff of the Friday Night Meltdown was down with the bird flu, we'd give young Benjamin James the chance to shine. Please give him your love and devotion, but remember where your loyalties lie scumbag!!!
That's right, you were our listener first! You will be able to hear "We're Livivng in the 1980's" every Saturday night at 7pm est.


Gotta love those 80's cuz...

Where is that doggybone, doggum, dadgum Rubick's cube of mine?

Gotta love the fact that EnRICo and I used to bounce nonsense off each other like you guys are doing - and you used to laugh at us for doing it!! Somehow it wouldn't be cool to make fun of you for it now...

Love the blog... love the Friday Night Freakshow

11:40 PM, January 19, 2007  

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